My Experience with Retinol for the face

Hello Beauties;

Ever since I hit 30 this year, suddenly the door of ageing prevention and fine wrinkles obsession WIDELY opened . I remember few months earlier; the concept of anti-ageing was here but it did not freak me out as it does now.

So I started searching and googling and watching youtubers and listening to many advices and reviews, while ofcourse imagining the amount of money I needed to buy anti-aging oils and moisturises.

After the frustration and useless hours spent on the hunt for the ultimate solutions I decided to visit my dermatologist (HAHAHA !!). He recommended using retinol 0.1% cream. I was shocked at first from the cost of it, it only costed me around 12$ which is nothing compared to the fancy face oil everyone was swearing by.

I took his advice and bought the cream, and I can assure all that this cream is a permanent must in my skin care routine until eternity. 

Guys, This cream is magic, and I am happy now with my new baby skin.
I used the cream at night time only, and only small amount on the face and the neck avoiding the under-eye area.

through the first week i felt almost nothing, maybe a bit of tingling sensation which usually disappears in few seconds after application. Through the second and third  week i started to see mild peeling around the mouth area mostly 

The forth week is when miracles happened. I noticed sudden glow on my cheekbones and and overall healthy glow once the sun/light hits my face. I remember once I was sitting next to my husband in the car and he asked me about my "healthy" skin. 

I believe until today I have finished around 3 tubes of the cream. it has been around 6 to 7 months at this point and no irritability or skin burn happened until now. I have a normal and not sensitive skin. So ladies please before using retinol please consult your dermatologist.
once i feel or see redness in the skin I skip the retinol for two nights to give my skin the time to heal.

Between tubes i give my skin 3-4 weeks to heal completely
Always be sure to wear sunsc-reen when using retinol as it increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun.

now i leave you with the pictures 

until next time..
have a beautiful day

Find me:
Instagram: rawan_aassi
snapchat: rawanaassi


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