Sigma Vs Zoeva Vs Morphe

I can not believe that finally there is other brands for make up brushes waaaay cheaper than MAC and Sigma with the same performance and the same quality! This is heaven on earth!!

I used to use all MAC brushes at first, then I started using sigma. It is true that sigma brushes are excellent quality and they have different designs, however, every time I wanted to order - the very basic brushes- my cart turns out to cost me a fortune. Not to mention that copper or gold colors are more expensive!.  Despite all the expenses I bought all sigma brushes and they worked wonderful, except one which is the F80 brush, I had little issue with it but the company replace it for me ( I like companies who stay behind their products!)..

Then I met Zoeva !!! UUGGHHHHH!! I ordered the "romantic copper" set for about US 78$ only, I received 12 eye brushes. They are like HEAVEN, soft hair, great at application or blending, many designs for the brushes that can be used  for more precised application. I fell in love the moment I saw them, AND THEY ARE IN ROSE GOLD COLOR! .. I think that Zoeva is a great alternative for sigma, cheaper and the have alot of affordable bundels.

After the love I felt for Zoeve, I met Morphe Brushes, CAN I JUST SAY OH MY GOD !! I can not believe that I spent all that money on sigma! Not only that Morphe has MANY  brushes designs and colors, But also cheaper than both Sigma and Zoeva. At first I Hesitated that due to the price difference the quality may be less, or the application might be bad, but none of that was true. Morphe Brushes have GREAT application and very very soft hair
Finally I think you can go for Morphe brushes, they are the bomb. But if you are a Copper lover, you might want to check Zoeva


Until Next Time..
Have a beautiful life..


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