The two affordable things that changed my BODY SKIN!! \ Dry Brushing

Silky, smooth  skin. I  know it is all what we ask for especially in the summer time. Bikinis, beach dresses, all require the perfect skin. Now I used to suffer from extreme dryness, like  I could feel the flakiness of my skin very easily, no matter what body lotion I use, no matter how body scrub I buy. It has been always the same. The results of the products I used to use were always temporary. BUT since I found my two jewels, I am living in the heaven of EXTREMELY silky skin. It feels like baby skin, so moisturized, so clean , so fresh and dewy. 

My secret is very affordable and easy. You need two things:

    -Body Brush
    -Virgin Coconut Oil

That's it! I heard alot about dry brushing but didn't give it any serious consideration until I started searching for a natural solution for my dry skin. I believe that all the chemicals our bodied expose to wither shampoos or body lotions or perfumes. They all affect the state of the skin. So I searched for something to undo the harm to my body.

So dry brushing is the first magical step in my routine. For those of you who do not know what dry brushing is, It is brushing your body by a certain body brush when it is dry before jumping in the shower. You always want to brush towards your heart. This  way you stimulate your blood circulation, reduce cellulite, take off dry and dead skin cells, detoxify your body and revealing the new dewy skin of yours. 

I bought my brush form Boots. It is around 15$. But you can always find cheaper alternatives from Amazon.  Here is a link Click Here

When dry brushing I start with my legs moving up with up strikes motion. Always trying to follow the direction to  my heart. Then I move to my belly with up strikes, the the arms then the chest with strikes to the bottom towards the heart. You can brush as much as you want but you do not want to over brush your skin and cause scars. 

When you do it the first time you're going to feel that the brush is harsh on your skin. Soon you are going to get used to it. Your body is going to turn pink as if the blood is moving for the first time. And once your done showering. you feel the smoothness in your skin. OH MY GOD as if I changed my skin !!! 

Then I apply Virgin Coconut oil all over my body, messaging it with circular motion to help the skin absorb t faster. 

I use this routine every time I shower. Now it has been three weeks since I started with it and GOD!! everybody is complimenting my smooth skin, everything feels better now. I am done with the flakiness and the dry skin FOREVER!I am so happy with the results I have. I am going to keep this routine forever, Especially that I am using the best organic moisturizer in life, coconut oil. And with the benefits of it I am as well fighting the aging signs.!! I truly believe that every girl needs to try this routine at least once, because they'll be impressed with the results.

If you have any special ideas for the dryness or age fighting. Please share them with us.

Thank You All,,,
Until Next Time,,
Have a Beautiful Life,,


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