How to plan your trip

My husband and I are currently planning to visit Dubai. We heard all good stuff about it and I am excited to go there. Now we are going for only a couple of days, and due the lack of time we want to maximize the use of it and try to visit as many places as we can. So we did the following steps:

1- Choose the right dates of travelling:

ofcourse considering annual leaves or holidays, checking suitable prices with suitable airlines. Try to book early, as when you book for near dates prices rise. We booked 3 weeks before our actual date of travelling.

2- Check your legal documents and/or visas:

check your passport, your visa requirements, your validity dates...ets. Oh my god I always have a problem when it comes to travelling!. Thank god however I never missed a flight :D *lucky face*

3- choose the most convenient Hotel:

I mean most of us consider prices, but away from that, choose the hotel you feel you need. Some of us like classic decor, other like modern or urban. Choose whatever make you feel pampered in your trip. After all, you have to treat yourself right, you absolutely deserve some me time. We chose Four Points Sheraton Down Town Dubai.

4- Plan your Trip Days: 

Especially when you are going for a short period of time. Dubai is not a nature, landscape type of city, it is purely industrial, you can't be random, have your pack bag and walk. - this is my opinion you ofcourse can do whatever suits you- Consider when you are going to reach your destination, night or morning time , and even plan your first day. as I said before you want to maximize the use of time in your trip.

5- Pack right & light:

stick to casual light clothes , have a fancy dress or suit incase you visited a luxurious club or had a romantic dinner. Pack your bathing suits, beach clothes, running shoes. FOR LADIES- do not forget to take some make-up, skin care routine and hair styling products :D - afterall you are going to have some pictures, let them be as good as you wish they be.

6- Do not miss out special things:

Consider seeing, tasting, trying all traditional stuff or unique things they have in your destination country.

7- Document:

Vlog, take pictures !!! upload them to you tube :D it is not only that you get paid - If you have a valid Ad-sense account - but also you keep happy memories visual !

8- Be optimistic:

Be happy there as much as you can: we need a break once in a while, we all have busy lives with alot of stress, shake it out in your trip ^_^

share with us how you plan your trip, we are always in need for new ideas. :D

Thank you..
Until next Time.. <3
Have a beautiful life...


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