Mario Badescu- Drying Lotion Review

Here it is :

It is spot acne treatment that zips any zit in few hours. I always apply it at night before bed, sleep with it and wake up with zit gone.
It is fast ,affordable and effective treatment for unexpected breakouts, especially if we got any special occasion or meeting.
It consists of two layers, clear liquid layer and pink semi-solid most like playdough consistency (even the colors are CUTE!!) . those two layers are well clear in the bottel. Never shake the product because you need the pink paste to settle in the bottom of the jar.

then with a cotton swap, you dip it till the bottom to catch some of the pink potion ,and on the way out of the bottle, the cotton swap will catch some of the clear liquid. then you apply directly- after washing your face of course, we need a clean face- you apply it directly on the zit.

It might sting alittle bit but this is because the salicylic acid, well known in acne treatment industry, is sucking or drying all the oils and dirt in the zit (How disgusting),, after applying this  magic for enough time, you will wake up with clear face, the zit will be either gone or too small to be noticed. I can't live without this product especially for someone like me who always wears make up.

yes I totally recommend this product, you have to give it a try..OH you can use it for black and white heads - just a quick addition -  <3

here is the link to the product:

Until Next Time..
Have a beautiful life..


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