Changes that happened after drinking enough water DAILY..

we all know how important drinking water is, and I am not going to list here all the benefits we find on Google. but I want to share my actual experience and all the changes I noticed after I started drinking enough water since 2 years. As a start, I used not to drink water - AT ALL- sometimes I could survive without water for like 2 days !I used not to like the taste, could not stand the drinking water action itself, and I have been always roaming around as a student so I had no fix place to drink water and then go to the bathroom .. because of that I used to have : dry flaky skin extremely dark eye circles dull skin dry, frizzy, unhealthy hair dry body skin kidney problems fine lines digestion problems after I started working in an office, I used to have many cups of coffee per day - which increased my dehydration - and I once Googled the side effects of body dehydration, that was the day I started drinking water, till now I used...